An open-inquiry into restoring community in the 21st Century
Sitting around the philosophical fire, join Al in conversation with diverse thinkers, feelers and ambassadors for a regenerative future, as he explores integral perspectives and practices for restoring community in the 21st Century.
What does it mean to live in congruence with the wholeness of who we are?
How does our view on leadership evolve with a human developmental lens?
How can we better hold-space for a “whole-person-centered” approach to leadership and relationship?
Spaces Between is an open-inquiry into restoring connection in our personal lives, relations and communities?
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Spaces Between is a completely support-funded show. Within the vision to create a regenerative and life-enriching community, Al believes in creating something with not for community. Please support this show by sharing, subscribing and by leaving a review! It really does help!
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Recent episodes
Posted on
August 18, 2020
Diving into some of the threads of our cultural imagination keeping us at odds with our own wholeness, Day and I explore themes of impermanence, queering masculinity and non-binary ways...
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Posted on
August 12, 2020
In a world where it can seem we have lost touch with what it means to be together, to live, work, and grow in community, practices to remember and recondition...
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There is much that happens in teams, relationships and our lives that words simply cannot touch. There is much that we experience in our lives that without alternative tools to...
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John Wolfstone and I embark on a wild journey here from an adolescent leadership, to a more integrated, humble and reverent leadership. Touching on many nuanced and subtle threads of...
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In this conversation we explore the roots of inadequacy, the paradox of completeness and the foundations of integral leadership. It’s a wide-ranging conversation that includes many practical tools for integrating...
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