#14: Rich Bartlett — Micro-solidarity, Growing Up and Reconditioning Our Relational Inheritance

Episode description and synopsis

In a world where it can seem we have lost touch with what it means to be together, to live, work, and grow in community, practices to remember and recondition our relational patterns seem crucial.

Rich is a Co-Founder of Enspiral, The Hum, and a brilliant thinker and facilitator when it comes to re-thinking social systems, designing spaces for meaningful culture, and practical ways to re-build community from the ground up.  

Join us as we explore questions of building “micro-solidarity,” circles of practice, and emotional intimacy for “growing up together.” We touch on some of the intrapersonal threads that need to be acknowledged if we are to re-pattern our ways-of-being-together for community, as well as what we might learn from feminism and grassroots activist movements when it comes to community resiliency.  

This is a good’n – grab a tea and join us for a hope-giving conversation.  

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Guest bio

Rich is a Co-Founder of Loomio, the Enspiral Foundation, The Hum and deep thinker and feeler around the renewal of community and systems for collaborative change.

He’s enthusiastic about co-ownership, self-governance and building relationships of partnership instead of domination to create collaborative workplaces. You can also checkout his vision and proposal to start a “microsolidarity” group – a small mutual aid community for people to do a kind of personal development, in good company, for social benefit.

Read his articles or hear his interviews at: richdecibels.com

Show notes and links

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