#22: Nina Simons — Nature, Culture, the Sacred and Feminine-Inflected Leadership
Episode description and synopsis
What a delight! In this conversation, I connect and dance with Nina Simons, Co-Founder and Relationship Strategist at Bioneers. A movement, community and podcast and media platform I’ve admired and relished over the past years, committed to healing relationship to our ecologies, the sacred and beloved community.
In this time, noticing our tendency towards the light, toward the neatly-woven, the linear, and toward the “masculine,” we explore what a feminine-inflected or heart-led paradigm of leadership might look like. Drawing on indigenous wisdom, spirituality, ecology, psychology and poetry; how might we replenish our backpacks with a full spectrum of all human possibilities, renewing relationship as the foundation of our lives and leadership?
This one is full of soul-enriching reminders, invitations for reflection, rituals for tending to relationship and echoes of timeless wisdom that guide us on our way back to living in and restoring relationship.
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Guest bio
Nina Simons is an award-winning social entrepreneur and international public speaker who is passionate about healing our relationship with the natural world, women’s leadership and beloved community. She is Co-founder of Bioneers and its Everywoman’s Leadership program. She also co-founded and led Cultivating Women’s Leadership with Toby Herzlich and Akaya Windwood, and is a longtime member of Women Donors Network. She brings her infectious vision of re-imagining how to live on Earth and with each other into organizations and training settings. In collaboration with Deborah Eden Tull, Nina co-facilitates transformative leadership intensives on Leading through Relational Mindfulness at Esalen and elsewhere.
Nina received a Robert Rodale award in 2003 and was a recent recipient of the Goi Peace Award for “pioneering work to promote nature-inspired innovations for restoring the Earth and our human community.” She is the editor of the anthology Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart, which is being used in courses on diversity, leadership, and women’s studies. Her work can be found in the anthology Ecological and Social Healing: Multicultural Women’s Voices. Her first authored book, Nature, Culture & the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership (Green Fire Press, 2019) was recently bestowed both a Gold and Silver Nautilus Book Award.
Show notes and links
- The Burning Times (free film)
- NinaSimons.com (website)
- Nature, Culture & the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership (Nina’s latest book)
- Bioneers.org (website)
- Infinite Potential – David Bohm’s latest documentary (free documentary)
- Fritjof Capra (website)
- Karla Mclaren – The Language of Emotions (book)