#27: Henry Fowkes — Validation, Co-Regulation and Midwifing the Magic in Groups

Episode description and synopsis

Everyone is a facilitator, whether consciously or unconsciously. In our relationships at all levels – professionally and personally – we are woven into, affected by, and affecting a web of relations. In this episode, I sit down with my dear brother, co-groover, and facilitator from Melbourne, Henry Fowkes. We explore the nuanced and little-spoken-of insights into facilitation and groupwork. In this, we cover the terrain of embodied attunement, integrating authenticity and authority, the role of the body, and its wisdom within facilitation. Henry is one full of cackles, stories packed with humility, and a genuine zest for discovery. 

Here we were, sitting in my bedroom, microphone listening in, sharing a brotherly, down-to-earth and mutually-curious conversation we trust you’ll take something for your medicine bag from.

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Guest bio

Henry is a dear brother from Melbourne, who I’ve had the pleasure of sharing space, stories and time with. He’s an incredibly skilled facilitator with over 10 years experience He’s a certified teacher of the Open Floor Movement Practice and co-founder and facilitator of Common Roots – an organisation creating innovative embodied leadership and movement-based Rites of Passage programs, building community and well-being using movement, dance, mindfulness, ritual and the arts. He is also on the teaching faculty at the Groupwork Centre, teaching the skills of facilitation and relational intelligence.

Combining his love of movement, his adept experience in facilitation, and his heart full of zest for community, Henry is someone I admire for his authenticity, and integrity in the way he holds spaces. 

Show notes and links

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