Quick Links

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Here’s the most recent and relevant links you need to know about…

Integrative Psychotherapy Sessions

Al works with individuals and couples through his community practice, Turning Ground.

Book a free 15-min Discovery Call through Turning Ground to explore working with Al.

Book a call here.

Latest Podcast Episodes

Querying the Soul and Re-Romancing Our Many Parts Home — Asher Packman (The Fifth Direction)

Queerness, Identity and Inhabiting Self and Soul — Eamon Armstrong (Life is a Festival)

Attuning to the Spirit of Place & the Ecomythic Dr. Geoff Berry (Nature Calling)

Subscribe, rate, and leave a review on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Retreats and Immersions

Wild Threshold Crossing

December 7th – 12th, 2024

Venus Bay, VIC

6-Day program including 2 days and 2 nights fasting in nature in solo ceremony.

More information and registrations here.

Practice and Inquiry Circles

Querying the Soul Mythopoetic Men’s Circle
(with Fifth Direction)

Next circle:
To be announced shortly.

Online Courses and Offerings

Find A Balance Between Being and Doing
(Insight Timer 10-Day Course)

Articles and Musings

Reclaiming Our Worthiness of Stillness (Why it is necessary and “how to”).

3 Powerful Self-Reflection Rituals for the New Year! (a 360-degree reflection model)

Meditations and Contemplations

My free guided meditations on Insight Timer

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